Winter opening hours: mon-thurs 9-5.30, Fri 9-8, sat 10-8pm

Rai's Rampant 'Wild' Pheasant With Spiced Couscous

This amazing recipe has been put together for us by Rai, The Spice Man, a great friend and colleague who I met through various markets that we were doing together... His addictive personality and massive smile, not to mention, his big gob, meant that every time we had stalls together, people wouldn't know what had hit them.
Born in Uganda, Rai became a child soldier, a story he is now sharing in schools around the county. He has made Norwich his home and is regularly seen (or most likely heard) at food fayres, events and cookery demos around Norfolk... Look out for him!
For a vegetarian, tea total, this man can cook with meat and alcohol! The pheasant was possibly the best I have tasted, moist, lean and tender!


1 onion {finely chopped},
2 tablespoons Crush Rapeseed oil for frying the veg,
2 tablespoons 'A De Piff Nyama Game Dry Rub Seasoning' {for the pheasant breast Marinading},
1 Tablespoon 'A De Piff 7Seas Indo-Malay Dry Spice rub Seasoning' {for the cous cous}
Quarter Red Bell Pepper Fine chop ,
Quarter Green Bell Pepper Fine Chopped,
Quarter Yellow Bell Pepper Fine Chop
3 Small Mushrooms Quartered,
1 Cup of Fine couscous
and another 3 tablespoons Crush oil to fry Pheasants Breast.
Half Cup or Wildcraft 'Wild Summer' Ale for the Pheasant Marinade,
Half Bottle of Wildcraft 'Wild Ride' for the couscous


Prepare your pheasant breasts.
Add one tenth of Wildcraft Wild Summer ale in a glass dish
Drop your breasts in and add 2 tablespoons of oil, then add 2 tablespoons 'A De Piff Nyama Game Seasoning'. (Available via Wildcraft Brewery, just holla!)
Put in fridge for minimum 1hr covered.
Slow fry your desired vegetables, Add 1 table spoon 'A De Piff 7SEAS Indo-Malay rub' (again, available from Wildcraft, just ask) in the mix and fry away until the veg is your desired softness... Cover your Pan whilst frying on a low heat.
Meanwhile, get a bowl, add a Half bottle of Wildcraft's Wild Ride Pale Ale into it, measure a cup full of couscous and throw it in with the Wild Ride. Boil a kettle of hot water and pour it over the contents of the bowl, a finger nail above the head of the couscous, Cover and leave for ten mins.
Start frying off your Pheasant Breast on a Low heat and covered, this should be accomplished in half hour and don't forget to turn over your breast after every 5 mins when the heat is potent and ten mins there after.
Now, back to the veg... introduce the couscous into the pan and gently stir until the entire concoction has melded together....all this is low heat cooking. Cover and rest after 5mins.
Plate your couscous, served with pheasant breast and filled with the flavoursome combinations of A De Piff Dry Dpice Rubs {7seas Indo-Malay, and Nyama Game} Add any juices from the frying pan direct onto your  Pheasant breasts and drizzle the rest on your Cous Cous....
This is How We Eat


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