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WildFest - Looking for corporate sponsors...
We are currently looking for corporate partners for our WildFest festivals throughout 2019. Not restricting to one ev...
The Great Sausage Roll Off 2019
It was a cold and wintry start to the day but last Wednesday, I was picked up by the amazing forager and cook, Simon ...
Brewy's Eggs - Your chance to win some beer
As you may know, Brewy's very rarely reproduce, they are, after all, legends, and this means they are very far and fe...
The Great British Sausage Roll Off
We are very proud to have our beers selected by two of Norfolk's prominent chefs as an ingredient in their entries to...
New Beers For The Winter Season
Its always nice to come up with some new recipes and with winter suddenly upon us, we decided it would be a great tim...
Brewy's Snapchat Filters
As part of our City of Ale 2018 launch, we have been lucky enough to have some Snapchat filters created! The first i...
City of Ale Trail Card
Download and print off a copy of the Wildcraft City of Ale card here! You can also pick these up from any of the par...
Norfolk Day
As many of you may have seen in the EDP this week, we are doing a survey to find out what you, the Norfolk people, wo...
City of Ale 2018
City Of Ale 2018 - Thursday 24th May - Sunday 3rd June
Norwich City of Ale is a city-wide celebration of city pubs,...
Foraging in April
April and May are some of the best months in the UK for foraging shoots and leaves. Although we can't use many of the...
Calling all producers of food, drink, arts, crafts...
WildRaider Food and Drinks events are a collaboration between Wildcraft Brewery, Norfolk Raider Cider and Norfolk Gin...