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Brewy's Eggs

Pubs and venues, want to be involved? Click here!

YOU voted for which of Brewy's eggs you wanted.  Eggbert was the winner but disaster struck at his crowning, resulting in all 6 egglets going missing.  Its now your job to find them, scattered around Norfolk on promotional beer mats.  Collect all 6 and be in with a chance of winning a flight with the Wildcat Aerobatics Team, seen flying below!

Brewys Eggs is an interactive Easter egg hunt that will run from Good Friday until WildFest at The Brewery on the 2nd June. Other prizes include various beer packages ranging from single bottles to polypins and 'Beer for a Year', tickets to Wildfest events, brewery tours and more...

So, how can you take part? Its simple:

  • Go to a participating pub and have a pint of Wildcraft, I mean, why wouldn't you?
  • Find a promotional beer mat, they are not hard to see!


  • Make sure you have Snapchat downloaded to your phone if you want to have an interactive experience.
  • Scan the Snap code by opening the app, pointing your camera at it and holding your finger on the screen where the code is... its a yellow square with black dots...
  • Magic will then happen and you will be asked to unlock the snap.
  • Once this is done, tap your screen, pointing it at the table or bar in front of you.
  • One of our 'Wild Eye' beer mats will appear.
  • Tap the beer mat on your screen and one of Brewy's eggs will appear and do a dance or maybe more, in front of you.
  • Keep the beer mat!
  • Try to collect all 6 different mats and help Brewy find all his eggs


  • Check the Snap code on the beer mat
  • In the middle of the square you will see a small picture of an egg
  • Keep the beer mat!
  • Try to collect all 6 different mats and help Brewy find all his eggs
The list of prizes, which will be added to as the competition hots up, are listed here:
Want the terms and conditions?  Read here:
Want to know where you can find the eggs? A list of participating pubs will appear here:
Watch the Wildcats in action below...



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Christmas Hours

23rd Dec - 10-6.30

24th-28th Dec - Closed

29th - 30th Dec - 2pm - 6.30pm

31st Dec - 1st Jan Closed

Open as usual from 2nd Jan

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