Open Monday to Thursday 8 - 6.30 Fri 8-8 Sat 10 - 8 / Free local delivery

Jobs at Wildcraft Brewery

see below for details.

Full time

Sales Manager

See PDF for Job description, apply with covering email and CV to

Sales Manager Job Description

Part Time

Tap Room and Events Manager

See PDF for Job description, apply with covering email and CV to

Tap Room Manager Job Description


Tap Room and Events Staff

See PDF for Job description, apply with covering email and CV to

Tap Room and Events Staff

Week end

Saturday Cask Washer

See PDF for Job description, apply with covering email and CV to

Cask Wash Job Description
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1 comment

  • I am local . Retired. Worked in trade in the past.
    Give me a call .. 07768991850..
    I live in Sutton so very local… Only part time. But would be reliable, trustworthy, and able to work unsupervised.

    Andrew Tilley

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Christmas Hours

23rd Dec - 10-6.30

24th-28th Dec - Closed

29th - 30th Dec - 2pm - 6.30pm

31st Dec - 1st Jan Closed

Open as usual from 2nd Jan

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By clicking enter you are verifying that you are old enough to drink alcohol.


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